Meeting Notes
Monday, August 3
We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.
We had 18 members and 6 guests present for the evening. Our guests were Linda Bossler, Susan Wood, Matt Wood and Lion Mike Roser’s boys; Chris, Tyler and Devin. President Beth presented Linda Bossler with the donations that were collected at our July Crab Feed in memory of her daughter; Katlynn, who lost her life when hit by a drunk driver. Linda and her family thanked the club for our generosity and support during this rough time in their life.
Health & Welfare:
Lion Mike was back with us and was all moved in to his new home. Ruth Six was to be sent home on August 8th.
Lion Terry Grable reported on the building renovation progress. We also had a final report on the July Crab Feed.
President Beth gave us the results of the open house and said that the pillows were won by: Linda Sherfey, Virginia Massie and Emma Foltz. She reported on our Quilt Raffle sales so far at Safeway and Wal-Mart.
There was no new business to discuss.
Lion Lewana Walters won the 50-50 drawing with a value of $10.00 and donated it toward the Building Fund.
President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m.
Monday, August 17
We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion Second Vice President Karen Mehring presided over the meeting.
We had 16 members and no guests present for the evening.
Lion Larry Stambaugh reported on the building renovation progress and the building fund. Lion Charlie Mehring was working on getting the exhaust hoods installed and Lion Dick Bowers was getting someone to move our flood lights from the poles along the road and hang them for lighting the parking area.
Lion Larry also reported on the catered events for the Zepp Family and the Reese Family. Both events went very well.
We set up a work night for Friday evening, August 21st at 6:00 p.m. to get things ready for the August Crab Feed on Saturday.
Lion Larry said we need to push hard on selling our gasoline raffle tickets since that goes off at our September crab feed.
Lion Wayne reported on more Quilt Raffle Ticket sales at Safeway. Lion Susan Cox was taking the quilt to a function later in the week and selling tickets there.
Vice President Karen reminded us to keep looking for items that will be good for our Home Merchandise Auction.
We talked about the possibility of adding another crab feed for the fourth Saturday in October. We will confirm this at our meeting on September 8th.
We took a count of five members to attend the Zone Meeting at Taneytown Lions on August 25th.
We approved sponsoring a ¼ page ad in the District Social Program Booklet Lion Wayne will edit our existing copy and bring it to the September 8th meeting for the club members to see before sending it in.
Lion Charlie Mehring won the 50-50 drawing with a value of $8.50 and donated it toward the Building Fund.
Vice President Karen adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m. with a Board Meeting to follow.
In Our Hearts and Minds
Club Reminders
- Our first meeting of September will be on Tuesday the 8th (due to the holiday) at Middleburg Park and will be a carry in pot luck meal.
- Custom Jacket or Shirt Orders: Contact Lion Terry Grable if you need to order anything.
September Birthdays
- September 7: Russell Walters
- September 12: Ruth Six
- September 16: Linda Bowers
Upcoming Events & Activities
- September 8: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- September 19: Terra Rubra $1200 Cash Club & Dinner; Middleburg Park 1-3 p.m.
- September 22: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- September 26: Terra Rubra Crab Feed at Middleburg Park; 1-4 p.m.; $30 p/p advance sales
- October 5: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- October 10: District 22W Social
- October 17: Terra Rubra Basket Bingo at Middleburg Park; Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 7 p.m.; $12 p/p
- October 19: District Governor Official Visit to our club
- November 14: Terra Rubra General Home Merchandise Auction at Middleburg Park; Doors Open at 4 p.m., Auction at 6 p.m.
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