Terra Rubra Lions Club Newsletter

March, 2010

Meeting Notes

Monday, February 1

We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.

Attendance: We had 21 members and 18 guests present for the evening. Our guests were our Peace Poster and Essay Contest Winners with their parents and school teacher representative.

Health & Welfare: Lion Charlie Mehring was going in for surgery, PDG Andy Demario’s grandson has a heart defect, Sandy Grable was doing great and Lion Linda’s mom was doing okay.

Reports: Lion Larry Gray introduced our Peace Poster Winner, Ave Keefer, showing her winning poster and presenting her with her award. He also introduced our American Heritage Essay Contest Winners and presented them with their awards. Honorable Mentions went to Kaci Stears and Shiloh Umberger. Our third place winner was Breanna Angleberger. Second place went to Maddie Hommey. Our first place winner, Christian Isanogle, read his essay for us. His essay had moved through the Zone Competition and headed on to the Regional Competition. Lions Member Essay Winner, Lion Larry Gray read his essay to the club and was presented with an award. His essay had also moved through the Zone Competition and headed on to the Regional Competition.

Lion Larry Gray informed our guests that they could keep up with our club functions and activities by checking out our website and on Facebook.

Business: President Beth asked that the Nominating Committee meet to select officers for the 2010-11 Lions Year. We will need to have the election at our meeting on March 15th.

The 50-50 drawing with a value of $15.50 was won by Lion Lewana Walters, who donated it back to the building fund. Lion President Beth adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m.

Monday, February 15

Our meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.

2010-2011 Officer Nominations

The Nominating Committee presents its slate of Officers for the 2010-2011 Lions year:

President: Kevin Trump Treasurer: Larry Stambaugh
1st Vice President: Karen Mehring Assistant Treasurer: Brian Cox
2nd Vice President: Susan Cox Membership Chairman: Terry Grable
3rd Vice President: Charlie Mehring Tail Twister: Linda Bowers
Past President: Beth Sandifer Lion Tamer: Lewana Walters
Secretary: Wayne Weeks Webmaster: Larry Gray
1-Year Directors: J.R. Weeks
Mike Roser
Bob Sell
2-Year Directors: Randy Sandifer
Russell Walters
Jim Zinkand

Club Reminders

  • Our first meeting of March will be on Monday the 1st at Middleburg Park and will be a carry in pot luck meal.
  • Custom Jacket or Shirt Orders: Contact Lion Terry Grable if you need to order anything.

March Birthdays

  • March 12th: Doris Smith

Upcoming Events & Activities

  • March 1: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • March 6: Terra Rubra Lions Bull & Oyster Roast at Middleburg Park
  • March 15: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • March 20: PCC Clare Newcomer Fund Raiser for International Director at Middleburg Park
  • March 22: Blood Drive at Keysville Lutheran Church 2-8 p.m.
  • March 27: "Mystery Bingo" at Middleburg Park; Proceeds to benefit Glen Keyser Fund
  • April 3: Community Easter Egg Hunt at Middleburg Park for children 12 & under; 1:00 p.m.
  • April 5: Terra Rubra Lions Charter Night at Cozy Restaurant; 6:30 p.m.
  • April 10: Terra Rubra Lions Sportsman’s Raffle at Middleburg Park
  • April 17: Terra Rubra $1200 Cash Club & Dinner; Middleburg Park 1:00–3:00 p.m.
  • April 19: Zone Meeting hosted at Middleburg Park by Terra Rubra Lions
  • April 22: Leader Dog Banquet & Fund Raiser Program, Gamber Fire Hall
  • May 3: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • May 17: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • May 18-21: Lions Multiple District Convention-Dover, Delaware

Contact the Newsletter Editor through our Feedback Page, or by phone at (443) 918-8088 with newsletter information or address changes.


Months in italics are not available

























