Meeting Notes
Monday, March 1
We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.
We had 18 members and 3 guests present for the evening. Our guests were Lion VDG Dick Liebno, Ralph Gann and Sarah Keefer. Lion VDG Dick Liebno had the pleasure of inducting Ralph Gann as a returning member into our club. Ralph had been a member, but moved away years ago. He is now back in our area and rejoined us. Lion VDG Dick gave Ralph a two month exemption from the Tail Twister.
Health & Welfare:
Lion Neal Wilhide had been kicked by a cow, and Sandy Grable was doing great.
Lion Linda Bowers reminded us of the Blood Drive coming up at Keysville Lutheran Church on March 22nd. She also reminded us of the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt on April 3rd.
Lion Bob Sell read the slate of officers for the 2010-2011 Lions year as approved by the Nominating Committee.
Lion Larry Stambaugh reported on the Shrimp Feed/Daytona Party and also the Mystery Bingo Night that we had finished up in February.
Lion Randy Sandifer reported on the Bull & Oyster Roast coming up on March 6th.
Lion Susan Cox reported on the Sportsman’s Raffle to be held on April 10th and had tickets to sell for that fund raiser.
We approved the purchase and donation of a gift basket for the auction to benefit PCC Clare Newcomer in her run for International Director.
The 50-50 drawing with a value of $10.50 was won by Lion Karen Mehring, and she donated it back to the Administrative Fund. Lion President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. with a Board Meeting to follow.
Board Meeting:
Lion President Beth called the Board Meeting to order at 8:11 p.m.
Lion Wayne reviewed the MMR and Activities Reports for February 2010. Lion Larry Stambaugh gave us a Treasurer’s Report and a building report. We approved drilling a new well to meet Health Department regulations to install our commercial kitchen. We also approved an Honorary Membership for Frances Roser. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Monday, March 15
We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.
We had 21 members and 4 guests present for the evening. Our guests were Lions Karl Mauck and Mike Ritchey from Hampstead Lions Club, Charlie Cook and Sarah Keefer.
Health & Welfare:
Lion Nancy Bailey had been in for surgery and Lion Sharon’s Mother had suffered a heart attack, but was back at home.
Lion President Beth expressed her thanks to Lions Brian & Susan Cox for donating and installing our window blinds at our Middleburg Park building. She also expressed thanks to Lions Larry Stambaugh and Terry Grable for all the efforts they put forth in keeping the building completion work moving along, and received a report from Lion Larry on the progress.
Lion Linda Bowers reminded us of the Blood Drive coming up on March 22nd. She also reminded us of the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt on April 3rd.
Lion Lyle Stutzman said that the Scholarship Applications have been sent out to schools.
President Beth had the detailed report on the Bull & Oyster Roast held at Middleburg Park on March 6th.
We approved a donation toward the District Governor Honorarium.
The slate of officers for the 2010-2011 Lions year was approved as read, electing our new officers for the next Lions year.
Lion Larry Stambaugh told us that the Fund Raiser for PCC Clare Newcomer in her run for International Director was postponed until April 18th.
Lion Susan Cox asked that we get our money in to her for our Charter Night at Cozy Restaurant. The cost is $15.00 per person.
Lion Brian Cox reported on the Sportsman’s Raffle to be held on April 10th.
Lion Linda Bowers asked us to keep selling those tickets for the $1200 Cash Club coming up on April 17th and reminded us that members need to bring deserts for that event.
President Beth reminded us that we are hosting the Zone Meeting on April 19th and will be having ham and oysters.
Our Golf Tournament will be coming up on July 23rd. Lion Jim Zinkand asked us to be looking for donation contributions for that event.
The 50-50 drawing with a value of $14.50 was won by Lion Karl Mauck from Hampstead and he donated it back to our Administrative Fund for the last cream puff that we had left on the desert table. President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. with a Board Meeting to follow.
Board Meeting:
Lion President Beth called the Board Meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. Lion Charlie Mehring reported on the vent hood and the stone work for the parking lot. We set up a workday for Saturday March 20th to clean out and get rid of the trailer so the parking area could be increased. We awarded the well drilling contract to Wayne Harley. We scheduled for a complete Financial Report and Planning Session on Monday, April 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:38 p.m.
2010-2011 Terra Rubra Officers
President: |
Kevin Trump |
Treasurer: |
Larry Stambaugh |
1st Vice President: |
Karen Mehring |
Assistant Treasurer: |
Brian Cox |
2nd Vice President: |
Susan Cox |
Membership Chairman: |
Terry Grable |
3rd Vice President: |
Charlie Mehring |
Tail Twister: |
Linda Bowers |
Past President: |
Beth Sandifer |
Lion Tamer: |
Lewana Walters |
Secretary: |
Wayne Weeks |
Webmaster: |
Larry Gray |
1-Year Directors: |
J.R. Weeks Mike Roser Bob Sell |
2-Year Directors: |
Randy Sandifer Russell Walters Jim Zinkand |
Club Reminders
- Our first meeting of April will be our Charter Night on Monday the 5th at Cozy Restaurant in Thurmont.
- Custom Jacket or Shirt Orders: Contact Lion Terry Grable if you need to order anything.
April Birthdays
- April 8th: J.R. Weeks
- April 22nd: Randy Sandifer
- April 26th: Karen Mehring
Upcoming Events & Activities
- April 3: Community Easter Egg Hunt at Middleburg Park for children 12 & under; 1:00 p.m.
- April 5: Terra Rubra Lions Charter Night at Cozy Restaurant; 6:30 p.m.
- April 10: Terra Rubra Lions Sportsman’s Raffle at Middleburg Park
- April 17: Terra Rubra $1200 Cash Club & Dinner; Middleburg Park 1:00–3:00 p.m.
- April 18: Fund Raiser for PCC Clare Newcomer at Middleburg Park; 2 p.m. till 6 p.m.
- April 19: Zone Meeting hosted at Middleburg Park by Terra Rubra Lions
- April 22: Leader Dog Banquet & Fund Raiser Program, Gamber Fire Hall
- May 3: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- May 17: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- May 18-21: Lions Multiple District Convention-Dover, Delaware
- June 7: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
- June 21: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner; Installation of Officers
- June 26: Terra Rubra Lions Crab Feed - 1 p.m. till 4 p.m.; $30 per ticket
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